The TOTAL Cost of Buying Property in Barcelona

The Total Cost for buying a Property in Barcelona?
This post outlines the Buyer’s TOTAL COST for buying and owning property in Barcelona. As of Oct. 2019, the mortgage bank must pay the closing costs incurred by the mortgage.
A. Property’s Extra Costs
The Buyer must pay an additional 11% to 15% of the property’s purchase price for extra costs. These costs are paid when the Buyer signs the deed. They include:
- 10% Conveyance Tax (ITP). This is a 10% tax on the property’s purchase price. It’s paid to Catalonia. The % varies depending on the Spanish province where the property is located. If you’re 32 or younger, earn less than 30k per year and meet other requirements, it’s 5%.
- Public Notary. A property deed is signed before a ‘Public Notary’. These are Spanish-trained lawyers qualified to verify public documents. They charge from 1000€ to 2000€ per deed.
- Registry Fee. Deeds are registered with the government’s Land Registry Office or Registro. They charge from 400€ to 750€ per deed.
- Gestor. They pay the 10% tax, file the deed with the Registro and other related services. They charge from 400€ to 750€ per deed.
Here is an example. A flat that costs 300,000€ will entail about 32,200€ in extra costs as itemized below. These numbers are estimates.
- 10% Tax: 30,000€
- Notary: 1,200€
- Registry: 500€
- Gestor: 500€
- Total: 32,200€
- Total Price of the Property: 332,200€
B. Buying property in with a mortgage in Barcelona
A mortgage requires a second tax and a second deed. As of Oct. 2019, these costs are paid by the Buyer’s mortgage bank. The buyer must pay for an assessment of the property and any fees the bank may impose for granting the mortgage.
Costs related to Owning Property
If the Buyer lives in the property purchased, these are the costs of ownership:
- City Property Tax (IBI). It’s app. 1.5% of the property’s assessed tax value. The assessed value is from 20% to 75% of the sale’s price. It depends on the date of the last assessment.
- Property Insurance. This depends on the propery’s size and whether you insure the contents as well. Est. 350€/year.
- Community Fees. This is for building maintenance and repairs. It varies depending on the several factors (whether there’s an elevator, portero, swimming pool, etc.). Est. 1200€ to 2,400€/year.
Please note:
1) If you buy in the name of a company (SL), or buy a ‘new construction’, the costs may vary from those above.
Thank you for reading and we wish you the best in your property search in the Barcelona area. Feel free to email or call for comments or questions. Mark Carr at +34 664 665 365 or